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Index Banded Annual Totals for Swansea:
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Swansea's monitoring stations

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There are currently eight monitoring stations (both air quality and meteorological) that are providing data for

Please note that all data is displayed as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and may therefore appear to be 2 hours "old" during the summer months. Also, please note that should the last date/time update show for example " Last updated: GMT 26 Jan 2010 09:00" this means the data displayed is for the period 09:00 to 10:00. The next update will reflect the period 10:00 to 11:00 etc etc

Please click on each of the sites below to find out where they are located and what is measured at each station.



Monitoring station:


Monitoring station:


Monitoring station:
photograph of monitoring station: 30m Mast  - Cwm Level Park - illustrative purposes only
photograph of monitoring station: Cwm Level Park Ozone and NOx - illustrative purposes only
photograph of monitoring station: Hafod OPSIS DOAS - illustrative purposes only



Monitoring station:


Monitoring station:


Monitoring station:
photograph of monitoring station: Morriston Groundhog - illustrative purposes only
photograph of monitoring station: St Thomas DOAS - illustrative purposes only
photograph of monitoring station: Swansea AURN - illustrative purposes only


Monitoring station:
photograph of monitoring station: Swansea Bay - illustrative purposes only