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Index Banded Annual Totals for Swansea:
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About Swansea Air Quality Data

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This website has been designed to provide almost real-time air quality data and meteorological data from the 5 automatic and continuous monitoring stations located within Swansea.

Data is uploaded on an hourly basis to provide the latest readings. The pollutants monitored at each location are listed under the details for each site. All parameters that are included on this site can be plotted on a graph and printed out. Visitors to the website can register their email details and data for the selected parameters from each site will be forwarded by email. The system can generate email alerts if a user-selected parameter exceeds a predefined value. This facility may be of benefit for those who are predisposed to suffer the effects of an air pollution incident. (eg Asthma sufferers).

I hope that you find the site of interest and that you enjoy using it. The primary function of the website is to provide information that is both interesting and informative. I hope that we have achieved these aims.

Reena Owen, Director of Environment, City & County of Swansea.
Councillor John Hague, Cabinet Member for Environment, City & County of Swansea