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Index Banded Annual Totals for Swansea:
184 days
51 days
1 day
6 days

Current Readings

To see the current readings from any of our monitoring stations, please select a monitoring station from the list.

Please note that all data is displayed as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and may therefore appear to be 2 hours "old" during the summer months. Also, please note that should the last date/time update show for example " Last updated: GMT 26 Jan 2010 09:00" this means the data displayed is for the period 09:00 to 10:00. The next update will reflect the period 10:00 to 11:00 etc etc.

Current Value: The hourly average

Highest Reading: Highest hourly within the last 24 hour period


The data supplied are non-validated and for information only.