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Index Banded Annual Totals for Swansea:
8 days
1 day
0 days
0 days

Email alerts

To get data sent directly to your email address please specify your chosen paramaters in the form to the right, by selecting the monitoring stations and specifying a value above or below which you want to be alerted.

An email alert will be sent when the substance reaches this figure. Only one alert will be sent out in each 24 period.

Stopping alerts:

If you are already receiving alerts and wish to stop receiving them, please enter your email address below and click 'remove my details'.

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Please read our Privacy Policy, to find out more about how your personal information is used.

Request an Alert:

Select a monitoring station

You are able to select multiple sites and multiple substances.

30m Mast  - Cwm Level Park
Cwm Level Park Ozone and NOx
Morriston Groundhog
St Thomas DOAS
Swansea AURN
Swansea Bay

Colour coding: Each station is represented by a colour (see the squares next to each station name). To see which station monitors which substance check the coloured squares under each pollutant.

Air Quality data
Meteorological data