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Index Banded Annual Totals for Swansea:
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To see a specific table or report please specify the parameters to the right. You can choose to see an onscreen PDF or have a .csv file emailed to you.

You can only request that data be sent for one substance and one monitoring station at a time. Please note the colour code that matches a monitoring station to the pollutants monitored at that station.

For more information about air quality in the rest of the UK please see the Air Index Archive

All data are displayed as an hourly average.
The data supplied are non-validated and for information only.

Select a monitoring station:
30m Mast - Cwm Level Park  
30m Mast  - Cwm Level Park
Cwm Level Park Ozone and NOx  
Cwm Level Park Ozone and NOx
Morriston Groundhog  
Morriston Groundhog
St Thomas DOAS  
St Thomas DOAS
Swansea AURN  
Swansea AURN
Swansea Bay  
Swansea Bay

You can only request data sent for one substance and one monitoring station at a time.
Note that all data are displayed as hourly averages, except where indicated

Air Quality data
Morfa Groundhoggraphic used for layoutMorriston Groundhoggraphic used for layoutSwansea AURNgraphic used for layoutCwm Level Park Ozone and NOxgraphic used for layout
Morfa Groundhoggraphic used for layoutMorriston Groundhoggraphic used for layoutSwansea AURNgraphic used for layoutHafod OPSIS DOASgraphic used for layoutCwm Level Park Ozone and NOxgraphic used for layout
Morfa Groundhoggraphic used for layoutMorriston Groundhoggraphic used for layoutSwansea AURNgraphic used for layoutHafod OPSIS DOASgraphic used for layoutSt Thomas DOASgraphic used for layoutCwm Level Park Ozone and NOxgraphic used for layout
 SO2 (15 min)  
St Thomas DOASgraphic used for layout
 SO2 (1 hr)  
St Thomas DOASgraphic used for layout
 SO2 (24 hr)  
St Thomas DOASgraphic used for layout
 O3 (1 hr)  
Morriston Groundhoggraphic used for layoutHafod OPSIS DOASgraphic used for layoutSt Thomas DOASgraphic used for layoutCwm Level Park Ozone and NOxgraphic used for layout
 O3 (8 hr)  
Morriston Groundhoggraphic used for layoutHafod OPSIS DOASgraphic used for layoutSt Thomas DOASgraphic used for layoutCwm Level Park Ozone and NOxgraphic used for layout
 PM10 (24 hr)  
Morfa Groundhoggraphic used for layoutSwansea AURNgraphic used for layout
Morriston Groundhoggraphic used for layoutSwansea AURNgraphic used for layout
Hafod OPSIS DOASgraphic used for layoutSt Thomas DOASgraphic used for layout
Meteorological data
 Wind Speed  
OPSIS Guildhall Meteorological Stationgraphic used for layoutMorriston Groundhoggraphic used for layoutSwansea Baygraphic used for layout
 Wind Direction  
OPSIS Guildhall Meteorological Stationgraphic used for layoutMorriston Groundhoggraphic used for layoutSwansea Baygraphic used for layout
 Wind Speed at 1Om  
30m Mast  - Cwm Level Parkgraphic used for layout
 Wind Direction at 10m  
30m Mast  - Cwm Level Parkgraphic used for layout
 Wind Speed at 3Om  
30m Mast  - Cwm Level Parkgraphic used for layout
 Wind Direction at 30m  
30m Mast  - Cwm Level Parkgraphic used for layout
 Wind Speed 5m above roof ridge level  
Hafod Street Canyon Meteorological Monitoring Stationgraphic used for layout
 Wind Direction 5m above roof ridge level  
Hafod Street Canyon Meteorological Monitoring Stationgraphic used for layout
 Horizontal Wind Speed at first floor level  
Hafod Street Canyon Meteorological Monitoring Stationgraphic used for layout
 Horizontal Wind Direction at first floor level  
Hafod Street Canyon Meteorological Monitoring Stationgraphic used for layout
 Vertical Wind Speed at first floor level  
Hafod Street Canyon Meteorological Monitoring Stationgraphic used for layout
 Air Temperature  
Morfa Groundhoggraphic used for layoutOPSIS Guildhall Meteorological Stationgraphic used for layoutMorriston Groundhoggraphic used for layoutSwansea Baygraphic used for layout
 8-2m Differential Temperature  
30m Mast  - Cwm Level Parkgraphic used for layout
 22-8m Differential Temperature  
30m Mast  - Cwm Level Parkgraphic used for layout
 2m Absolute Temperature  
30m Mast  - Cwm Level Parkgraphic used for layout
 2m Differential Temperature  
 Air Temperature at first floor level  
Hafod Street Canyon Meteorological Monitoring Stationgraphic used for layout
 2m Relative Humidity  
30m Mast  - Cwm Level Parkgraphic used for layout
 Relative Humidity at first floor level  
Hafod Street Canyon Meteorological Monitoring Stationgraphic used for layout
 Barometric Pressure  
OPSIS Guildhall Meteorological Stationgraphic used for layoutSwansea Baygraphic used for layout
 Global Radiation  
OPSIS Guildhall Meteorological Stationgraphic used for layoutHafod Street Canyon Meteorological Monitoring Stationgraphic used for layoutSwansea Baygraphic used for layout
 Global Radiation at 30m  
30m Mast  - Cwm Level Parkgraphic used for layout
 Global Reflected Radiation  
OPSIS Guildhall Meteorological Stationgraphic used for layout
 Terrestial Radiation  
OPSIS Guildhall Meteorological Stationgraphic used for layout
OPSIS Guildhall Meteorological Stationgraphic used for layout30m Mast  - Cwm Level Parkgraphic used for layoutSwansea Baygraphic used for layout
OPSIS Guildhall Meteorological Stationgraphic used for layoutSwansea Baygraphic used for layout
OPSIS Guildhall Meteorological Stationgraphic used for layoutSwansea Baygraphic used for layout
Swansea Baygraphic used for layout

(for analysed single month)

or for raw data:

Note that raw data is presented as hourly or 15 minute readings, dependant on the equipment's data feed

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