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Index Banded Annual Totals for Swansea:
8 days
1 day
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Graphs for standalone roadside PM10 dust monitoring stations

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To see a specific graph please specify the parameters to the right.
Please select the stations that you would like presented. All data is presented in the form of 1- hour integrated data.

For more information about air quality in the rest of the UK please see the Air Index Archive

Please note: the scales on the graphs are fixed the right.

Please note all data is displayed as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

All data are displayed as an hourly average.
The data supplied are non-validated and for information only.

Generate a Graph:

Select a monitoring station

Select up to six montioring stations.

Carmarthen Road  
Gower Road  
Port Tennant Road  
Uplands Crsecent  
Select time / date period

Please be aware that graphs can take a few moments to display, please be patient while we retrieve your required data